From sustainable materials to clean fuels, we’re pioneering groundbreaking new products that don’t cost the Earth.
From sustainable materials to clean fuels, we’re pioneering groundbreaking new products that don’t cost the Earth.
Comes from the earth…
Low-cost, low energy, and scalable
…and goes back into the earth.
Strong enough to do the job
From supply chain problems to product shortages, switching to fungi has huge advantages
Flexible, durable, and biodegradable, fungi can make your product plastic-free
Meet changing consumer behaviour and do right by the planet
Product shortages are wreaking havoc right now - so skip the queue by switching to fungi
As demands for sustainability grow, fungi is the green, low-energy product solution
Fungi isn’t a one-off. It’s a holistic, all-encompassing solution, capable of cleaning up fast fashion, providing alternative proteins, or replenishing soils – the possibilities are endless.
Our technology matches fungal properties with potential sustainable applications enabling businesses to harness fungi in an optimal way.
With low energy requirements, a huge variety of applications, and capable of growing on low value stock fungi makes clean, affordable, and desirable products – the perfect transition to a sustainable future.